Corologia: Eurimedit. divenuta Subcosmop. Distribuzione nazionale: Comune in tutta l'area mediterranea, nella Liguria, Penisola, Sicilia e Sardegna. Sporadica nelle valli aride alpine, manca dalla Padania. Distribuzione regionale: Molto comune in tutto il territorio e nelle piccole isole.
Descrizione della flora siciliana, di Salvatore Cambria.
A winter-annual of cultivated and disturbed ground, mainly in arable fields on (often acidic) sandy or gravelly soils, and on old walls and waste ground. It also occurs in open, drought-prone coastal grassland on banks and cliffs, and on sand dunes in the Channel Islands. It is sensitive to low winter temperatures. Lowland.
Introduction to Silene gallica (Silène de France, Silène d'Angleterre): scientific and common names, protected status (red lists, regulations), biological status in France, historical and contemporary.
Silene gallica L.
Ordine: Caryophyllales
Famiglia: Caryophyllaceae
Foto e Descrizioni
Pianta erbacea annuale alta fino a 50 cm, densamente pu...
Silene gallica L. Tassonomia Ordine: Caryophyllales Famiglia: Caryophyllaceae Foto e Descrizioni Pianta erbacea annuale alta fino a 50 cm, densamente pu...
Pesquisa e identificação interactiva das espécies autóctones da flora de Portugal; fotos, informação e mapas de distribuição.
22 nov 2015 - Common name: Catchfly, Windmill pink, Common Catchfly, Small-flowered Catchfly, Gunpowder-weed. Silene gallica is a species of annual flowering plant in the pink family with three colour forms, all commonly found in New Zealand flowering October to February. Silene gallica has pale pink flowers.
T.E.R:R.A.I.N - Taranaki Educational Resource: Research, Analysis and Information Network
Silene gallica is a species of flowering plant in the pink family known by several common names, including common catchfly, small-flowered catchfly, and windmill pink. It is native to Eurasia and North Africa, but it can be found throughout much of the temperate world as a common roadside weed. It is an annual herb ...
Scientific Name. Silene gallica L. Synonyms. Silene anglica L. Silene gallica L. var. gallica. Silene gallica L. var. quinquevulnera (L.) Koch Silene quinquevulnera L. Family. Caryophyllaceae. Common Names. common catchfly, English catchfly, French catchfly, French silene, gunpowder weed, Mediterranean catchfly, small ...
23 nov 2017 - S. gallica is a small and relatively innocuous winter annual herb native to western Asia, North Africa and much of Europe. It usually grows in fairly...
S. gallica is a small and relatively innocuous winter annual herb native to western Asia, North Africa and much of Europe. It usually grows in fairly...
Silene gallica Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 417. 1753. [name conserved]. Small-flowered catchfly, silène de France. Silene anglica Linnaeus; S. quinquevulnera Linnaeus. Plants annual; taproot slender. Stems erect, branched, rarely simple, 15-45 cm, with long, often crinkled hairs mixed with short pubescence, viscid-glandular ...
Italia Nome italiano: Silene gallica. England English name: Windmill Pink U.S.A U.S. name: Common Catchfly France French name: Silène de France Portugal Portuguese name: nariz-de-zorra. Germany German name: französisches Leimkraut Brazil Brazilian name: alfinetes-da-terra. Sweden Swedish name: franskglim ...
5 mar 2018 - Descrizione della specie. Haut. 15–45 cm. Tige velue, glanduleuse dans le haut, sans rosettes stériles à la base. Feuilles inf. spatulées, les sup. lancéolées-aigües. Fleurs à pédoncule très court, en cyme spiciforme, dressée. Pétales denticulés ou échancrés, blanchâtres ou roses, longs de 10–15 mm, ...
Silene gallica is a species of flowering plant in the pink family known by several common names, including common catchfly, small-flowered catchfly, and windmill pink. It is native to Eurasia and North Africa, but it can be found throughout much of the temperate world as a common roadside weed. It is an annual herb ...
16 mag 2010 - Silene gallica L. Sp. Pl.: 417 (1753) Silene anglica L., Silene candollei Jord., Silene cerastioides Auct. non L., Silene quinquevulnera L. Caryophyllaceae Silene gallica, Silene di Francia, Deutsch: Französisches Leimkraut English: Small-flowered catchfly. Español: Carmentilla, Carmelitilla Français: Silène ...
La silene gallica è una pianta annua a distribuzione originariamente mediterranea, ma oggi divenuta subcosmopolita, presente in tutte le regioni d'Italia. Cresce nelle lacune delle garighe, in ambienti ruderali, nei campi e nei coltivi, a volte sulle dune di sabbia litoranee, soprattutto su substrati silicei, dal livello del mare a ...
Portale alla flora del Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona e Campigna