Addì 5 agosto 1917, l'ottantenne. LOSS GIOVANNA vedova del Maestro dirigente Giuseppe Loss di Canal San Bovo dopo essere stata trascinata nell'esilio dal nemico attraverso un doloroso Calvario per le città di Feltre, Treviso, Padova, Rovigo, Ferrara, Bologna, Firenze e finalmente a Pistoia, donde, dopo quattro mesi, ...
Muore a Venezia Giuseppe Loss nato a Caoria nel 1831 figlio di Domenico detto Zusco e da Giuseppina sorella dell'ing. Negrelli, la partigiana antinapoleonica. Fu capitano distrettuale a Cles e a Primiero. Studioso di scienze naturali e geologia pubblicò numerosi opuscoli su diverse materie, lasciò parecchio materiale ...
Loss, Giuseppe (1831-1880), Verwaltungsjurist und Botaniker. Loss Giuseppe, Verwaltungsjurist und Botaniker. * Fiera di Primiero (Trentino), 13. 1. 1831; † Venedig, 11. 5. 1880. Stud. Jus, trat dann in den polit. Verwaltungsdienst und war in Stenico, Cles und ab 1877 als Bezirkshptm. in Fiera di Primiero tätig. L., der sich ...
Giuseppe Loss di Primiero che per primo salì anche Cima d'Asta con cinque compagni (un sesto rinunciò, impaurito, alla base del camino). Conquista l'inviolata Cima Tosa (3173 m.). Questi alpinisti salirono per la Valle d'Ambiez, la Malga Prato, la Forcolotta di Noghera la Pozza Tramontana e la Vedretta della Tosa e ...
Title, L'Anaunia. Saggio di geologia delle alpi Tridentine. Author, Giuseppe Loss. Publisher, Seiser, 1877. Length, 322 pages. Export Citation, BiBTeX EndNote RefMan ...
Scopri Livinallongo e il castello di Andraz di LOSS Giuseppe: spedizione gratuita per i clienti Prime e per ordini a partire da 29€ spediti da Amazon.
Sleep Med Rev. 2006 Oct;10(5):323-37. Epub 2006 Mar 24. Sleep loss, learning capacity and academic performance. Curcio G(1), Ferrara M, De Gennaro L. Author information: (1)Department of Psychology, University of Rome La Sapienza, Rome, Italy. At a time when several studies have ...
Sleep Med Rev. 2006 Oct;10(5):323-37. Epub 2006 Mar 24. Review
20 feb 2012 - Got a success story of your own? Send it to us at and you could be featured on the site! Name: Giuseppe Mangiafico Age: 28. Height: 6'1” Before Weight: 360 to 370 pounds. How I Gained It: I have been a big guy most of my life. I've been on many diets and tried many ...
25 ago 2005 - Should loss of earnings be compensated? The established law and economics wisdom considers pure economic loss as a transfer of wealth from the victim to a third.
Should loss of earnings be compensated? The established law and economics wisdom considers pure economic loss as a transfer of wealth from the victim to a third
Cottonwood, an Observation is based on the lifetime of a cottonwood tree and the things seen by him over an eighty-five-year period from 1842 until the end of WWI. He watches the development of the country around him, from pristine prairie, the time of the Buffalo and the Indian, through the settlement and development of a city nearly under his branches. Cottonwood becomes intimately involved in the lives of the main characters of the book from what he sees and hears from his point of observation above the Sweetwater River, in the developing state of Wyoming. He observes the wars of the era, the medical developments of those years, the passing of the Indian, the coming and the passing of the Pony Express. He watches as the telegraph, telephone, and the railroad come into his part of the world. He becomes intimately involved in the stories of those passing his post. He inspires introspection into our personal lives by his constant attempt to analyze the actions of human beings, their sometimes peaceful and sometimes deadly interactions with one another. He records the stories of the lives of those fleeing the confusion and discord of Europe as they search for opportunity in the New World. We watch, through the eyes of Cottonwood, as a woman in Appalachia struggles, with an iron will, to break the bonds and stereotyping of ignorant mountain women. Cottonwood observes as the love of two men bring salvation to an incorrigible Indian warrior. He watches as love heals the broken lives of two WWI survivors and catalogs those things he has seen, felt, and questioned. The fact that freedom, dreams, love, and courage overcome every obstacle is the true conclusion of Cottonwood's narrative. Cottonwood, the observer, makes us take a critical look at ourselves, our actions, our motives, and why we are here. Cottonwood, the book, makes us look at our nation and why this unique place called America and its God-given freedoms are here. He leaves us with the fervent hope that we will continue to deserve and appreciate those blessings and benefits that only Americans enjoy.
He had been informed of the robbery of Giuseppe, but was far too occupied with the everyday business of organizing the train, to do much more than voice his sorrow, for Giuseppe's loss. Giuseppe and his family had considered it a grievous loss, but had not expected it to ever be recovered. Now, here on a horse, for all to ...
The Man Who Went Down with His Ship (1988) finds Hugh Fleetwood moving from Manhattan and Paris to winter-bound London, from Tuscany and Sardinia to Mexico and Egypt. Yet wherever his characters roam, their fate awaits them like the proverbial appointment in Samarra. In the title story, poet Alfred Albers attempts to confront with honesty an event from his past that has always haunted him, only to learn anew that no good deed goes unpunished. In 'The Nature of Angels' Maria longs for deliverance from a life made moribund, but is finally forced to ponder exactly what kind of power would answer our prayersThis edition includes two later Fleetwood stories: 'L & I' and 'Why Are You Wearing My Daughter's Earrings?''[Fleetwood] reaches down and stirs with venomous delight the nameless, faceless things swimming far below the level of consciousness.' Scotsman
Forall these months, shetoldherself, she had been thinking of Giuseppe's loss of faithascoming towardsthe endof thatdreadful summer,as a result of hissickness andto a certain extent of Elisabetta's marriage. But, she suddenly saw, shewas wrong: it had come right at the beginning, and she had only recognised it towards ...
Consulta documenti storici e profili di alberi genealogici che riguardano Giuseppe Loss su MyHeritage, la rete genealogica estesa a livello mondiale.
Explore historical records and family tree profiles about Giuseppe Loss on MyHeritage, the world's family history network.
L'ANAUNIA: SAGGIO DI GEOLOGIA DELLE ALPI TRIDENTINE. Autore: Loss, Giuseppe. Editore: Seiser, Trento. Anno: 1877. Stato di conservazione: Buono, ordinari segni d'uso e del tempo, con piccoli difetti esterni. Descrizione fisica: 322 p., 17 cm, bross. Note 1: L'autore, originario di Primiero, fu valente scrittore di ...
Loss, Giuseppe. - L’ANAUNIA: SAGGIO DI GEOLOGIA DELLE ALPI TRIDENTINE. | Libri e riviste, Altro libri e riviste | eBay!
LE. ASCENSIONI. Le Dolomiti di Brenta sono divenute ambita meta per i primi avventurosi esploratori solamente a partire dal 1860. La vetta più alta del gruppo, la Cima Tosa, venne infatti scalata per la prima volta dall'alpinista trentino Giuseppe Loss, nipote di quel Luigi ...
Raccolta di vecchie immagini delle Dolomiti, riprodotte da cartoline conservate nel Museo della Cartolina di Isera (Trento). Testi bilingui: italiano e tedesco.